“We are too young to realize that certain things are impossible... So we will do them anyway.”
~ William Wilberforce
Cheb, Czech is where I shall call home in these next five to ten years, it is the place God wants me to set up my home, my safe house.
I will set off in August 2014, to reunite with the friends I have left in Cheb tilling the ground, they are excited to have me come, and I plan on helping them with their vision for a Discipleship Training School that shall run in the spring. They too want to help me, they want to partner/support a safe house, their hearts have been
moved deeply for the issue of trafficking and forced prostitution and have been loving the girls in the brothels and on the streets for years and are glad that God is sending me, another worker into the field.
I am a worker in the field, but I am also a daughter... coheir with Christ; I can come boldly to the Creator and ask for angel armies, favor with kings, castles for
orphans and a herd of horses for healing broken girls.
God wants to bring about a great Exodus, a freedom for all the enslaved, and He wants to do it through
sons and daughters, workers who have relationship to Him, that can share that relationship, and bring
freedom and life to chained souls.
I am going to Czech to walk out the step God has given me to end worldwide slavery, this is His strategy
that I am following, and for now my responsibility is to open a safe house. This safe home (Miriam’s Home) will be for girls rescued out of sex trafficking, which is a worldwide issue and I expect to have girls sent to
me form many countries to receive healing.
God has given me specific vision of tools to show the girls His heart, these include
using horses for therapy, as well as art, dance and music. Praying with these girls as well
as for them is highest priority, because bringing them to the face of the One who cares enough to face every earthly pain for them, because of His love, will heal the deepest wounds and truly bring life.
I will also be overseeing their schooling, making sure they are given skills to provide for themselves in life
giving ways, counseling and praying them into new social skills. I shall love them along with Jesus, love them back to life.
“We are too young to realize that certain things are impossible... So we will do them anyway.”
~ William Wilberforce
I still need a considerable amount of support, I am looking at monthly budget of $850 plus funds designated for the Safe house land and building; and eventually the girls and therapy supplies.
If you are considering supporting me and need more information about anything, please let me know.
Thank you for your time,
Katrina Stine
Checks may be sent to:
Grace of God of Dinuba
695 N. Bates Ave Dinuba, CA 93618
(Please designate checks as Katrina Support.)
USA phone # (707) 490-9862
Blog: joyful compassion is beautiful.blogspot.com